Welcome to Long Lake Pickled Foods Blog

Hello pickled food lovers. You have found pickled food utopia here at Long Lake Foods. We live and breathe pickled foods, it is our only business and we eat what we sell.

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Monday, September 21, 2009

Pickled Pork Hocks

Pickled Pork Hocks or Pickled Ham Hocks, both the same product. Pickled pork hocks are cured, smoked, cooked and pickled. They might be compared to pickled ham but do have more fat and cartilage than pickled ham would. This is their allure, the skin, fat and cartilage are arguably the best parts of the pickled pork hock.

We have had some questions about our Bayview Brand Pickled Pork hocks. The Premium Cut Tavern Style Pickled Hocks are whole, boneless hocks with all of the skin intact. Taverns use these as they make a great single portion serving. We also have Bayview Hocks that are boneless slices and some pieces, just as great as the Tavern Style Hocks but not the whole hock in one piece. The regular hocks are quite a bit less expensive than the Tavern Style Hocks and if you are not worried about single servings as in a bar they are a great deal!

We also have our Long Lake Brand Pickled Pork Hocks with the "Bone In". These are the way they used to be made and tend to be a little more flavorful as the bone seems to add something to the flavor, personal opinion from me as a pickled pork hock nut!


  1. What happened to Long Lake foods? I can't find their stuff any more.

  2. What happened to Long Lake foods? I can't find their stuff any more.


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